October 9th through October 13th, 2006

 Objective:  To create artwork for their own 2007       calendar while exploring  different art materials in conjunction with improving their drawing, coloring and painting skills.
George & LR:  Explore the element of texture.  Look at real feathers in order to draw them on a hand turkey for their calendar for the month of December.

First Grade:
 Objective:  To learn the Element of Design of shape including both geometric and organic shapes.  To learn the art career of architect and landscape architect.

LR & George:  Continue adding doors windows, antennae to houses only by cutting out of construction paper.  Begin adding details to house and landscape.

Second Grade:
 Objective:  To understand the Element of Design of shape.  To understand the Principle of Design of Balance.  To explore the art career of clothing design.  Create a symmetrically balanced shirt design and print design using found objects.

LR:  Cut out finished shirt design.  Glue to black paper.  Hang up and class will learn about critiquing their work for symmetry and craftsmanship. Each will vote anonymously on the one they feel is the best.

George:  Begin printing symmetrical design on paper shirt using found objects.

Third Grade George:
 Objective:  Explore the art form of printmaking.  Review principal of balance.  Draw oversized apple.    Finish apple printing.   Add seeds and stems.

Third Grade Little Rock:
Objective:  Introduce the element of shape and texture and the principal of balance.  Introduce the art career of illustration.

Look at packages, puzzle  and a silk scarf with insect illustrations on them.  Review symmetry and asymmetry.  Look at views in books of insects.   Orally quiz on  symmetrical or asymmetrial views.  Each student will select a symmetrical view to draw a 12” by 18” insect.

Fourth Grade:
 Objective:  Use the elements of line, shape and color (complementary colors) to weave a mat and frame weaving with a silhouette.

LR:  Continue weaving mat.

George:  Design silhouette, cut out of black paper and glue over weaving.

Fifth Grade:
 Objective:  Explore the art form of printmaking.  Use the element of line to create a drawing with details for printing in scratch-foam.

5A & 5B:  Transfer drawing to scratch-foam.  Retrace to deepen grooves for printing.  Five or six will begin printing.

Eighth Grade: Begin second group of eighth grade students.

Monday:  Go over class procedures, course description and projects.  Assign seats and make and decorate a folder for their work.
Tuesday through Friday:  License plate design same as first group.

High School Art:

 Independent Art Class: Tuesday/Thursday and Friday
Continue painting on the Underdog mural in the principal’s office in George Elementary building.

Art I:
 Objective:  To understand the Elements of Design of shape, space and form.  To learn about the art movement called Op Art.  To create an optical art cube.
Monday through Thursday:  Continue applying permanent black ink to cube.

Friday:  Demonstration on how to assemble cube.

Art II:  Objective to create a three dimensional pencil drawing of and object that is metal and glass.

Monday through Friday:  Finish outline of choosen object and begin adding value on Friday.

Art III: 
 Objective:  To learn about various ways of illustrating portraits.  Read about expressive portraits by German artist Kathe Kollwitz in Scholastic Art.

Each will then determine a mood that they would like to portray in an expressive self-portrait.

Art IV:
Objective:  To explore the many different media used in illustration.  Begin exploring pastels and white charcoal on black paper.